Kin Social

Imagine if you had Facebook for wizard school? Kin Social is a social media platform designed specifically for larps.

Kin Social is designed to be the ultimate social media platform for larps. It is specifically designed to enhance character relationships, and add depth to larps.

Kin Social is purpose built to allow plot and character stories to spread among the players, while working within the well known social media model.

The system has all the common features; Walls, Status Updates, Likes, Comments and much more.


  • Apache or Nginx
  • MySQL or MariaDB
  • PHP 7.4 (not yet PHP8 compatible)


Upgrade UI to Bootstrap 5
Dark Mode Support
NPC Support

Wanna help out?

Kin Social is a massive project and any help is more than welcome. You don’t need to be a developer to help out. There’s lots of way to help.


We have a running beta site, where we can test new features and check on old ones. It also helps us to check bugfixes and patches.

You need to be patient, thorough and tenacious as a good tester and bug hunter.


Kin Social has seven translations that we need help maintaining.

Currently the supported languages are: English, Swedish, Danish, Polish, German, French and Spanish.


We run a fairly uncomplicated old school stack of standard PHP and MySQL. We use Composer to track dependencies on the backend.

Frontend is based off of Bootstrap 3 (but looking to upgrade to 5 soon). We use Bower to track frontend dependencies, and Gulp to compile and minify our CSS (from Sass) and JavaScript.

If you want to help out with any of the above, please use the contact form to reach out. Any and all help is welcome.